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Military Kitchen

Temporary 123 specializes in the United States Military feeding programs. The US military kitchen equipment typically consist of double stack convection ovens, tilt kettle, tilt skillets and double stack steamers. There are other specific health code regulations of the U.S required in a military kitchen facility.

Everything that US military brick and mortar kitchens have we have in our Temporary 123 kitchens.

Military food is referred to as rations. There are different ration food types, but the most well-known is MRE. MRE is short for meal, ready to eat. With new vegetarian options becoming more popular, commercial steamers are often added to Temporary 123 Military Kitchens cooking lines.

Here are 5 items in the MRE Meal in the Army Menu:

  • Chili with Beans
  • Shredded BBQ Beans
  • Chicken with Egg
  • Noodles and Vegetables
  • Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
  • Chicken

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